# Illustrations - Objects



We are publishing these illustrations under a CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0 license. This means that you are free to use, share, copy and redistribute the works under just a few simple terms (license).

# Bottle of knowledge

Knowledge is the currency in science. This is what we seek with our explorations. It's derived from data. It's not oil nor gold, although it resembles some of the same characteristics. It's essential to keep it flowing as knowledge empowers both your personal career and our joint journey towards a better world.

Bottle of knowledge


Title: Bottle of knowledge
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork12




We use this image to illustrate,

  • that new knowledge is the goal of data explorations and what our scientists tireless seeks.
  • that flow is essential in knowledge generation (we are using liquid metaphors).
  • that data is the raw material that goes into the production of knowledge.
  • that data differ qualitatively from oil and gold, for example in duration and monitization, although some are partly similar (needs refinements, end products holds high value).

# Bottles of data


Bottles of data


Title: Bottles of data
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork13





# The keymakers

High impact science is about exploring the unknown. You will meet previously unopened doors on these journeys. Unpicking the most difficult locks requires custom keys. These are often carefully crafted, blending wisdom from humanities, social sciences, technologies and administration. Helpers from these fields are your keymakers.

The keymakers


Title: The keymakers
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork8





We use this image to illustrate that,

  • high-impact science on sensitive data do often explore data and methods in new ways not previously done.
  • such innovative activities often will meet new challenges in legal, ethical and/or technological areas that have not been previously solved.
  • flow in such projects is often dependant on new or customized solutions in legal, ethical or technological areas.
  • that other areas of humanities and social sciences such as language (e.g. choice of words) and writing (understandable across domains), art, history and cultural context (anthropology) and similar areas often are key to communicate new ideas in trustworthy ways to interested parties.
  • identifying and recruiting your team of helpers (keymakers) is essensial to keep complex projects moving.
  • we see scientific coordinators as the driving force and orchestrators of the custom keymaking process.

# Keys in stock

Luckily, many keys are already available in stock and ready to be picked up in HUNT Cloud. Collectively crafted for known doors. Caringly handed over so you can instantly advance your activities.

Keys in stock


Title: Keys in stock
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork9




We use this image to illustrate that,

  • solutions to common problems may already be available, for example agreed security measures for specific data providers, predefined agreement setups, machine learning equipment, software solutions and so forth;
  • we work hard to continously develop and evolve stock solutions together with our cloud community;
  • our goal is to make all stock solutions available to all users as soon as possible to elevate activities for as many of you as possible.

# Waffle dialogues


Waffle dialogues


Title: Waffle dialogues
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork24





# Strategic compass

Trust enables science. Explorations in unknown terrain, often at a competitive pace, place great demands on trustworthy navigation. Ground your course over a solid moral and value-based compass, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

Strategic compass


Title: Strategic compass
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork15




We use this image to illustrate that,


# A fine balance


A fine balance


Title: A fine balance
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork10





# Computational power

Computational power


Title: Computational power
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork11





# Tactical development


Tactical development


Title: Tactical development
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork7





# Chest for data transport


Chest for data transport


Title: Chest for data transport
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.1
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork14





# Ten year anniversary cake


Ten year anniversary cake


Title: Ten year anniversary cake
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork16





Last Updated: 3/12/2025