# Illustrations - Scenery



We are publishing these illustrations under a CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0 license. This means that you are free to use, share, copy and redistribute the works under just a few simple terms (license).

# The portal


The portal


Title: The portal
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork6





# Explore the new world

Imagine a new world. Kind of familiar, kind of different. Where digital laboratories are built on floating islands. Where you are the explorer, and the sky holds no limit. Welcome to HUNT Cloud.

Explore the new world


Title: Explore the new world
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2022
Version: 1.1
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork2




We use this image to illustrate that,

  • we see our scientists as explorers;
  • their new world looks kind of familiar (grass, trees, clouds) and kind of different (floating islands, pink clouds, day/night sky at the same time). Both scientists, scientific coordinators and scientific leaders should expect to spend some time to know their new world well;
  • we see data spaces as floating islands up in the skys, and that getting a new data space is for us a bit like getting your own island. This is the place where your establish and organize your labs and scientific activities;
  • we see labs as buildings on the floating islands. You can have have one to many such buildings (labs) on your data space;
  • ideas travel between labs and data spaces with a little help scientific coordinators and our cloud community (illustrated with flower seeds in the lower left corner).

# Explore the unknown


Explore the unknown


Title: Explore the unknown
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.0
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork3





# Here be dragons


Here be dragons


Title: Here be dragons
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.1
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork4





# Tree of knowledge


Tree of knowledge


Title: Tree of knowledge
Creator: Ingunn B. Ferstad, HUNT Cloud / NTNU.
License: CC BY­-NC-­ND 4.0
Year: 2023
Version: 1.1
ArtworkID: hcc-artwork5





Last Updated: 3/5/2025