# Team
Your experiences in HUNT Cloud are shaped and molded by a small team of scientific instrument makers located at NTNU, Norway.
Our team consist of eight full time employees with a background from medicine, biology, management systems, signal processing, computer science and art. We collaborate closely on most of our activities, although for clarity, here is a short description of our main responsibility areas.
# Oddgeir Lingaas Holmen
Oddgeir holds the overall responsibility of activities in HUNT Cloud, including the role of Chief Information Security Officer in our management system. You may meet Oddgeir in all types of discussions, especially those related to long-term development, digital asset management, scientific growth strategies and trust management.
# Matúš Košút
Matúš holds the responsibility for our technologies and product development, including the roles of Chief Technology Officer in our management system. You may meet Matúš in all levels of technological, product and advanced product discussions.
# Qussay Ghazeia
Qussay is our Compliance officer. He is responsible for our audit programs that checks compliance with the ISO certifications. Qussay is also responsible for our contract management. Thus, you will meet Qussay when you register your agreements and when you visit for partner audits.
# Signe Åsberg
Signe is our account manager. Her responsibilities includes the follow-up of strategic data value objectives for service centers and data spaces on the BLUE subscription layer. You may also meet Signe in cross-lab communications in our digital café on Slack, and in our national and international data value collaborations.
# Jakub Hudak
Jakub holds the role as system operator. He is responsible for our day-to-day operations, including data center operations, tape operations and service desk operations. You will among others meet Jakub when you place questions in our community café, when you place service desk orders and when you order tapes.
# Ingunn B. Ferstad
Ingunn is our illustrator and marketing manager. She is responsible for our illustrations of sensitive data identity, and the guidance of our brand identities and for our marketing. You will indirectly meet Ingunn via her illustrations that we publish on these pages, and through the ideas and data philosophies that we talk about and evolve around.
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