# Compliance program

We believe that trust is the single most valuable asset in data-driven science. Our compliance program aims to ensure a trustworthy frame for which you can build your science.

# Certificate audits

We are proud to work with data controllers that expect strict independent compliance verifications.

HUNT Cloud comply with two international standards, IEC/ISO 27001 for information security and privacy and IEC/ISO 9001 for quality management.

Click here to see our certificates.

Independent auditors verify our certifications each year in two separate audits. Audit reports are made available to data controllers on request.

Identification of non-conformities will be communicated to data controllers and reflected in our Statement of Applicability (SoA).

# Partner audits


We welcome audits from data controllers and research leaders to ensure compliance with your expectations.

Representatives from data controllers are also welcome to participate in our internal audits for educational purposes. Contact us to schedule a partner audits.

# Internal audits

Our internal audit program aims to review the various parts of our activities within a three year certificate cycles. The program includes a systematic set of vertical audits for in-depth views of individual parts of our management systems. Results from these audits are available for data controllers on request.

# Subcontractors

HUNT Cloud delivers services that include the use of subcontractors. The subcontractors are subject to laws, regulations and terms no less protective than the terms HUNT Cloud is subject to under data processor agreements with our data controllers.

Click here to see our subcontractors.

Last Updated: 3/5/2025