# Govern science in HUNT Cloud

Handling of large data values requires trustworthy and predictable structures.

In short

Our scientific development is governed by multilateral Tings, while the privacy and security policies of data values is governed directly by us in symphony with instructions from our data controllers.

# Scientific development

  • Tingweek. A set of layered Tings meet three times per year to provide recommendations on the scientific development in HUNT Cloud.
  • Lagtun. Lagtun is the Ting that govern the scientific development of our environments.
  • Resolutions. Lagtun expressed its recommendation for the scientific development as resolutions.

# Privacy and security

  • Responsibilities. An overview of the responsibilities for our governance.
  • Policies. The security and privacy policies that govern the protection of data values in HUNT Cloud.
  • Certificates. Third-party verification of our quality and security policies.
  • Subcontractors. A list of subcontractors for HUNT Cloud.
Last Updated: 2/11/2025