# Scientific access FAQ

This FAQ list commonly asked questions about initial Data space and Lab onboardings.

Let's expand this page together

This section prosper on questions. Contact us with your wonders and burning questions.

# General questions

# Where do we start?

Welcome! The starting point for access to HUNT Cloud depends on your role: Organizations starts with organizational access, scientific centers and groups start with scientific access and scientists starts with lab access. Contact us if you need guidance.

# Do we need all agreement layers?

Yes. All labs needs to run under a complete agreement layer so we can ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations and certificates. We know, this is slightly complex. On the bright side, the agreements create a solid base to organize and expand your scientific activities.

# Why do we need these agreement layers?

Our agreement structure has evolved over time to allow high variability in activities and preferences among our member organizations. We know, this is a mouthful if you need access to one lab only. However, once you get going with the terminology and structure we hope you will enjoy the flexibility. The layered structure is utilized both for governance, reporting, incentives and to comply with laws and regulations.

# Data space agreement

# What is our Service center name?

Contact us for a quick clarification if you are unsure of your Service center name and leader as this may vary depending on your host organization. At NTNU, your service center name is the acronym of your Department, such as ntnu-ism, ntnu-idi and similar.

# Who is our Service center leader?

Contact us for a quick clarification if you are unsure of your Service center leader, we are more than happy to help. You Service center leader will vary depending on your host organization. At NTNU, your Service center leader is Deputy head of research at your department (Nestleder forskning).

# Can we list the same individual in all Data space roles?

Yes. We use the roles in the data space orders for targeted communication for the specific responsibility areas. Thus, they can be assigned to one or several individual.

# Can we leave the coordinator roles empty?

Yes. We will include the data space leader in any roles that are left blank in your Data the space order.

Last Updated: 3/5/2025