# Services overview

This page gives a brief overview of our cloud services. See the Services specifications for detailed documentation.

# Subscriptions

We have two type of subscriptions in HUNT Cloud: (1) Data space subscription and (2) Lab subscription. You will need both.

# Data space subscription

This is the subscription that establishes a management account (data space) in HUNT Cloud where individual labs are attached and their resources managed, controlled and billed.

We have established three subscription levels that differs in the individual service availability, resource prioritization, ting membership and costs for individual resources:

Subscription levels: WHITE ORANGE BLUE
Subscription type Basic Standard Premium
Maximum attached labs 2 10 20
Maximum commitment length 3 YEARS 3 YEARS 3 YEAR
Deploy COMMITMENT machines yes yes yes
Deploy ON-DEMAND machines yes yes yes
Deploy BLUE machines no yes yes
Deploy custom machines types no yes yes
Expandable storage yes yes yes
Restore* yes yes yes
Volume discount** yes yes yes
Free internal transfers yes yes yes
Free external imports yes yes yes
Free external exports yes yes yes
Access to new pilot services no yes yes
Multiple billing accounts no yes yes
Labting invites yes yes yes
Coordinator ting invites yes yes yes
Lagtun membership no no yes

*) Restore against accidental deletion is activate for work and archive volumes on home machines.

**) Volume discounts for storage is calculated across all resources attached to one data space.

# Lab subscription

This is the subscription that gives to access to one digital laboratory where you add resources for computation and storage.

One to many labs can be organized under one data space. The availability of certain resources are defined by the subscription level of the data space for which the lab is attached (see above). See the Services specifications for detailed information.

Subscription level: LAB
Commitment length 1 or 3 YEARS

# Individual services

# Secure

This is the default service that deploys the security and compliance framework for your lab. The default configuration is tailored for processing of sensitive research information. Adjustments may be made to further strengthen the security.

# Compute

This is the service that deploys one to many virtual machines for data analysis in labs. The service allows you to deploy both short term and long term machine types of various sizes.

Subscription levels: WHITE ORANGE BLUE
Deploy COMMITMENT machines yes yes yes
Deploy ON-DEMAND machines yes yes yes
Deploy BLUE machines no yes yes
Deploy custom machines types no yes yes

# Store

This is the service that deploy storage resources to virtual machines in labs. The default service allows you to attach one to many storage volumes (disks) to your lab machines.

Subscription levels: WHITE ORANGE BLUE
Restore* yes yes yes
Expandable storage yes yes yes
Volume discount** yes yes yes

*) Restore against accidental deletion is activate for work and archive volumes on home machines.

**) Volume discounts for storage is calculated across all resources attached to one data space.

# Transfer

This is the service that enables compliant data transfers to and from labs, both between labs inside HUNT Cloud and to and from parties outside HUNT Cloud.

Subscription levels: WHITE ORANGE BLUE
Free internal transfers yes yes yes
Free external imports yes yes yes
Free external exports yes yes yes

# Others

So far, this is the Tape service that allow you to write encrypted tapes for offline and offsite preservation of your high value data.

Subscription levels: WHITE ORANGE BLUE
Tape service availability yes yes yes
Last Updated: 1/24/2025