# Risk resources

This page list public security and privacy resources that may support risk assessments of HUNT Cloud. These links are intended for security and privacy officers.

# Security and privacy policies

These are the documents that we build our security and privacy framework on. "Security and privacy policies" provides a list of individual security controls that should be implemented in HUNT Cloud.

# Statement of applicability (SoA)

This is the document that states the implementation status of the individual security and privacy controls specified in our policy documents. In other words, the SoA is what we state we have implemented, and such a good reference points for your audits to check if our implementation meet your expectations.

# ISO certificates

ISO certificates provides verification from a third-party that we comply with the requirements in the international standards as stated in our SoA. We hold certificates for information security and privacy (ISO 27001) and quality (ISO 9001).

# Current risks and audit view

We report overall risks as we see them three time per year in our Ting report under the "Risk factors" chapter. The report do also provide a summary of relevant laws and regulations and the results of our audit program under the "External and internal controls" chapter.

# Services specifications

This document specify responsibilities and relevant security and privacy measures for individual services. The document is formally incorporated as an appendix to the services center agreement.

# More information

Contact us additional information to aid your assessments.

Last Updated: 10/22/2024