# Lagtun

Lagtun is the body that appoints time to govern the scientific developments of HUNT Cloud with the aim to ensure continuous change under a trustworthy and reliable structure.

# Introduction

High impact science needs continuous evolution of data, tools, expertise and environments to prosper.

The aim of Lagtun is to enable continuous scientific change of HUNT Cloud's services under a trustworthy and reliable structure.

The approach is cooperative problem solving and joint strategic thinking among representatives from data controllers, services centers and data spaces on the blue subscription layer three times per year.

The result is recommendations of change given from Lagtun to HUNT Cloud in a form of resolutions.

# Attendance

# Memberships

The following Lagtun membership tickets are issued to contracting parties from public and non-profit organizations:


  • ONE TICKET per Data controller with at least one active data space.
  • ONE TICKET per Service center with at least one active data space.
  • ONE TICKET per Data space on the BLUE subscription level.

The membership criteria was clarified in R6/LT4/T4/21. Lagtun is chaired by the Head of HUNT Cloud. HUNT Cloud employees participate as observers.

# Invitations

Invitations are forwarded on email to leaders and administrators for data processors, services centers and data spaces on the BLUE subscription level (invitation recipients). Invitation recipients may attend themselves or forward their invitation to a representative of their choice.

Direct calendar bookings

Invitation recipients may contact us for direct calendar bookings for themselves or their chosen representative for future Lagtuns.

The invitation criteria was clarified in R2/LT5/T5/22.

# Resolutions

Lagtun gives recommendations on the development of HUNT Cloud in the form of resolutions. The is introduced with the intention to allow for an inclusive decision making process and multilateral cooperation.

# Passed resolutions

Resolutions from previous Lagtuns are available in our resolutions page .

# New resolutions

All HUNT Cloud coordinators and users are welcome to propose resolutions for the next meeting through their representatives. You can find the representative list in the resolution documents, or you can contact us if you need help identifying your Lagtun representative. See the agenda section for more details.

# Consideration

For clarity, NTNU is legally responsible for the activities at HUNT Cloud, including aspects related to privacy, security and finance.

Lagtun resolutions are therefore formally expressed as recommendations for consideration to the Head of HUNT Cloud at NTNU that may: (i) adopt the resolution, meaning that HUNT Cloud will incorporate the recommendations directly; or (ii) take the resolution into consideration, meaning that we need more time to investigation options before decisions can be made.

# Consensus

We aim to reach consensus for the resolutions in Lagtun. This means that all members agree to recommend the resolution without taking a vote.

When we adopt resolutions by a vote, we only need to get a simple majority to agree on the text. In principle we only need to care about and understand the perspectives of the majority, not the minority that disagree. Such a process holds the risk of being divisive.

However, when we adopt resolutions by consensus, we have to be concerned about the viewpoint of everyone. This means that we have to engage in multilateral dialogues and negotiations, and different points of view needs be taken into consideration. Such a process is inclusive.


We feel that inclusive processes are particularly important in multilateral environments such as HUNT Cloud.

# Voting

When a vote is needed to pass a resolution, each member of Lagtun has one vote. Decisions are made by simple majority.

# Construction

Resolutions consist of two parts: (i) the introductory sentence that states the context of the resolution, and (ii) one to several operational clauses that describe the recommended action.

# Referencing

Resolutions are numbered as follows: item on the agenda, Lagtun meeting number, Tingweek number and year.

To illustrate, resolution R6/LT4/T4/21 means that this was the resolution from item 6 on the agenda in the fourth Lagtun during the fourth Tingweek held in 2021.

Operational clauses inside a resolution are numbered with the item number and letters in alphabetical order. For example, 6(a) means that this is the first operational clause of resolution 6 in the given Lagtun.

# Meeting information

# Schedule

Lagtun is scheduled on Thursdays between 9-11 am CET during the Tingweeks. Click here to see upcoming dates.

# Location

Lagtun meets digitally utilizing NTNU's Zoom subscription.

# Agenda

After each Tingweek, we start to identify and allocate new topics for consideration on the next Lagtun. Items are typically identified through dialogues among community members and our cloud team.

All users are welcome to propose agenda items for the next meeting through their representatives. You can find the representative list in the resolution document, or you may contact us if you need help identifying your Lagtun representative.

Items will be floated to members of Lagtun, and one or more resolutions will be added on the topic based on discussions and negotiations. A draft resolution will be tabled in the agenda.

The aim is to float items to member representatives one month before the meeting with the possibility to adjust and propose new resolutions, and to table the draft resolutions with introduction and operational clauses at the latest one week before the meeting.

# Records

We aim to document meeting records in addition to the public resolutions. These includes backgrounds, draft resolutions, dialogues and discussions, the final resolutions and considerations. Advises given during meetings are recorded as "recommendations". The records are distributed to all active HUNT Cloud users.



See our Lagtun section in the Tingweek FAQ for frequently asked questions.

Last Updated: 2/11/2025