# Download agreements

This page list agreements that may be relevant for lab users, lab coordinators and data space coordinators. Contact your data space leader or service center administrator for more details on other agreement types.

Service desk

Head over to our administer science service desk to place orders using the agreements listed on this page.

# User agreement

HUNT Cloud User Agreement (opens new window) (PDF)

Your lab leader and lab coordinator can add new users to your lab through our user agreement. The agreement is signed by both the new user and the lab leader or lab coordinator.

# Lab order

HUNT Cloud Lab Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Your data space leader or administrative data space coordinator can use this order to attach new labs under a data space. The order is co-signed by both the data space leader and the new lab leader.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Lab Order" version 3.9.

Data space

  • Name. This is the full or short name of the data space for which this lab will be attached.
  • Leader. This is the full name of your data space leader.

Lab name

  • Short name. This is the short name or abbreviation for your lab. We will use this name in day to day communication.
  • Full name. This is the full name of your new lab.


This field specify the length of the prepaid subscription length. The default is one (1) year. See our Price list and Services specification for more information, or contact us for guidance.

Lab leader

This individual is authorized by the data space leader to lead the lab. The role include a responsibility to authorize access for new lab users to the lab, to place Cloud Service Orders for resource adjustments, and to authorize data transfers to other labs in the same data space.

Lab coordinator

This individual is authorized by the data space leader to place individual Cloud Service Orders for resource adjustments. The lab coordinator is also our point of contact for discussions on running agreement updates and resource reporting.

Lawful processing

We use this to document activities in the lab, for example in reporting to your data controller, services center and data space leaders.

  • Ethical approval. If applicable, specify relevant ethical approvals that governs your processing.
  • Privacy justification. If applicable, specify the legal ground for the processing under GDPR, such as Article 6 or 9.
  • Purpose of the processing. If applicable, specify the purpose of the processing such as research, health service, innovation etc
  • Categories of data subjects. If applicable, specify the broad categories of data subjects such as research participants, patients etc.
  • Personal data content. If applicable, specify the personal data content included in the processing such as "self reported health information, genomics information, medical images, information from medical records" etc.


This agreements are to be signed by the Data space leader or Data space compliance coordinator and the Lab leader.

Request a lab

Send us your signed agreement utilizing the blue button in the data space section of our service desk.

# Data space order

HUNT Cloud Data Space Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Your services center leader or services center administrator can use this order to attach new data spaces to their service center. The order is co-signed by both the services center leader and data space leader.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are including in the "HUNT Cloud Data Space Order" version 2.0.

Services center

Attach your new data space to the following established services center:

  • Name. This is the full or short name of your services center.
  • Leader. This is the full name of your services center leader.

Data space name

  • Short name. This is the short name or abbreviation for your data space. We use this name in day to day communication.
  • Full name. This is the full name of your data space.

Data space leader

This individual is authorized by the services center to lead the data space. The role include a responsibility authorize new labs under the data space, authorizing data transfers out of the data space, and to pay for resources consumed by the labs attached to the data space.

Compliance administrator

This individual is authorized by the data controller to place individual Cloud Service Orders for resource adjustments and to onboard new labs on behalf of your Data space leader. The Compliance administrator is also our point of contact for discussions on running agreement updates and compliance reporting.

Data administrator

This individual is our contact point for data coordination for labs attached to your data space. This includes communication on data transfers, backups and other data related issues.

Technical administrator

This individual is our contact point for technical configuration for labs attached to your data space. This includes configuration and adaptation of analytical tools, including distributed computing and graphical interfaces.

Training administrator

This individual is our contact point for knowledge transfers between lab users across labs attached to the data space. This includes transfers of know-how related to onboardings, configurations, data flow etc. This individual is also our contact for discussion and evolution of user training and knowledge transfer.

Financial coordinator

The following individual is the point of contact for financial discussions, including issues related to reporting, invoice profiles, know-hows related to the prices model, dialogue on continuous development of the financial model and prices etc. Note that this is a different roles that our invoice contact which is our point of contact for technicalities for the invoice handling.

Subscription level


This agreements are to be signed by the Service center leader or Service center administrator and the Data space leader.

Request a data space

Send us your signed agreement utilizing the blue button in the service center section of our service desk.

# Invoice profile

HUNT Cloud Invoice Profile (opens new window) (PDF)

This form defined the invoice profile for your cloud services fees. One invoice profile needs to be attached to your data space agreement.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are including in the "HUNT Cloud Invoice Profile" version 2.5.

Data space

  • NAME: Specify the data space where you would like to attach the invoice profile.
  • LEADER: Specify the full name of the data space leader that is responsible for the payment.

Invoice unit

DATA SPACE is default. This means that the Invoice profile will cover accrued costs for all labs attached to your data space.

You may register additional invoice profiles if you want to separate lab costs in individual bills. To do so, register one new invoice profile per lab and add your LAB NAME as the invoice unit. Note that you are required to already have registered one invoice profile with DATA SPACE as invoice unit before you can add individual invoice profiles for your labs.

Invoice contact

This individual is our point of contact for practical aspects related to the billing, typical an employee at your organizational level.

Invoice address (outside NTNU)

For organizations outside NTNU, specify the address where invoices are to be sent.

Account information (inside NTNU)

Specify "K.STED" and "PROJECT NUMBER" for your data space. These fields are mandatory for NTNU data spaces.

Billing information (outside NTNU)

  • PEPPOL BIS: This is the international identification number for your organization. Click the link (opens new window) to find your id.
  • REFERENCE NUMBER: This is your order number with HUNT Cloud that ensures that the invoice is reaching you inside your organization. The format varies between organizations.

Value added tax (outside NTNU)

As default, all invoices to Data spaces and Labs outside NTNU will include value added tax (VAT). Documented collaborations with partners from NTNU may be exempted from VAT if they specify trusted research environments as part of the collaboration agreement. If relevant, send us the collaboration agreement for evaluation.

Advanced payment

You may make an advance payment to your invoice profile. The payment is applied to the accrued costs. If the payment is larger than the amount currently owed, it will reduce the next automatic charge. For clarification, a positive account balance due to advance payments will not be refunded at the end of services.

  • AMOUNT: This is the optional amount in NOK that will be payed at the initiation of the invoice profile.

Spending limit

A monetary spending limit per calendar year may be specified for the invoice profile.

  • LIMIT: If applicable, specify a maximum spending limit in NOK per calendar year that can be consumed.
  • TYPE: For the soft and hard limit type, notifications will be sent to the Invoice Contact and Data Space Leader at consumption of approximately 50%, 90% and 100%. For the hard limit type, services will be temporarily deactivated if consumption exceeds the limit.


Invoice profiles are signed by Account signatory. This is the individual that is authorized to operate the account information specified in the invoice profile on behalf of their organization.


Send us your signed invoice profile together with your data space order utilizing the blue button in the service center section of our service desk.

# Internal kista order

HUNT Cloud - Internal Kista Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Lab leaders and lab coordinators from labs that will upload data can order internal kistas for data transfers between two labs in HUNT Cloud. We use this order to document internal traffic from your lab. You can order Internal kista order in Service Desk

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Internal Kista Order" version 1.8.

Uploader Lab

  • Uploader Lab: This is the name of your lab. You may find the name when you log into your lab:
Welcome to `LAB NAME`.

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leave and report the incident to cloud.support+hunt-cloud-contact-form@hunt.ntnu.no.

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  • Lab leader / Lab coordinator: This is the name of the individual that will authorize the kista deployment by signing this order. The individual needs to be registered as a Lab leader or Lab coordinator in the Lab agreement for your lab.

  • Uploader: This is the name of the lab user that will copy date from your lab and to the internal kista.

  • Data size: This is the size in gigabytes of the storage area in the kista. You can for example use NCDU to estimate the size of your data.

  • Kista duration: Specify the number of days that you need the kista. Default is 30 days, maximum is 90 days.

Downloader Lab

  • Uploader Lab: This is the name of the lab that will download the data that you upload. If you are uncertain about the lab name, contact their lab coordinator or downloader. We need a correct Lab name to proceed your order.

  • Lab leader / Lab coordinator: This is the name of the lab leader or lab coordinator in the downloader lab.

  • Downloader: This is the name of the lab user that will copy date from your kista and into the downloader lab.

  • Place/date: State the place where your lab leader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

  • Lab leader: This is the field for the signature of the lab leader or lab coordinator for your lab (the uploader lab).

# External kista import order

HUNT Cloud - External Kista Import Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Data space leaders and Data space compliance administrators can request external kistas where collaborators outside HUNT Cloud can upload data to a kista reachable from a lab. The order is co-signed by the uploader outside HUNT Cloud. You can order external kista import in Service Desk

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud External Kista Import Order" version 2.2.

Data space

  • Data space name: This is the short name of you data space that request the transfer.

  • Data space leader: This is the name of the data space leader.


  • Lab name: This is the name of your lab. You may find the name when you log into your lab:
Welcome to `LAB NAME`.

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leave and report the incident to cloud.support+hunt-cloud-contact-form@hunt.ntnu.no.

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  • Lab leader: This is the name of the individual that is the contracting party of your lab agreement with HUNT Cloud, typically your principal investigator or center leader.

Internal downloader

  • Lab user: This is the name of the individual in your lab that your authorize to download the data from the kista and into your lab storage.

External party

  • Uploader name: This is the name of the individual that is authorized to do the technical transfer from the external party and into the external kista (uploader). We use this to communicate configuration information, and we expect the public key to be sent from this address.

  • Uploader email: This is organizational email that we use to communicate with the uploader. List their organizational email as we use this for part of the identification process.

  • Uploader IP: This is the IP address for the machine that will connect to the external kista. We use this for access whitelisting of the address.

  • Coordinator: This is the name of the individual from the external party that will coordinate the transfer if this differ from the individual doing the technical upload (uploader). We use this for communication of issues related to data, agreements etc.

  • Institution: This is the institution of the external party that is responsible for the transfer.

  • Country: This is the country where the uploader institution is located.

Kista configuration

  • Data size: This is the size in gigabytes of the storage area in the external kistas. Contact the uploader coordinator if you do not know this number.

  • Data sensitivity: Specify if the data in the transfer includes indirect or direct identifiable information. Indirect identifiable information is typical for research data where names, addresses, unique identification numbers (fødselsnummer) are substituted with project specific individual identifiers (løpenummer). Direct identifiable information is information such as names, unique ids etc. that may directly identify the research participant. We ask this since import of direct identifiable information may require special security controls in your lab and/or agreement adjustments.

  • Kista duration: Specify the number of days that the kista will be online. External kistas are independent for limited duration. Contact us for other transfer alternatives if you need permanent or long-term transfer services.

Data space leader

  • Place/date: State the place where your lab leader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

  • Data space leader: This is the field for the signature of your lab leader. Data space compliance officers may sign this field as well.

  • Place/date: State the place where your uploader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

Uploader (external party)

  • Uploader: This is the field for the signature of your external uploader. For compliance purposes, we need the uploader to accept our use policy of the service before we grant access into our systems.

# External kista export order

HUNT Cloud - External Kista Export Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Data space leaders and Data space compliance officers can request external kistas where collaborators outside HUNT Cloud can download data made available directly from your lab. The order is co-signed by downloader outside HUNT Cloud. You can order external kista export in Service Desk

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud External Kista Export Order" version 1.5.

Data space

  • Data space name: This is the short name of you data space that request the transfer.

  • Data space leader: This is the name of the data space leader.


  • Lab name: This is the name of your lab. You may find the name when you log into your lab:
Welcome to `LAB NAME`.

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leave and report the incident to cloud.support+hunt-cloud-contact-form@hunt.ntnu.no.

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  • Lab leader: This is the name of the individual that is the contracting party of your lab agreement with HUNT Cloud, typically your principal investigator or center leader.

Internal uploader

  • Lab user: This is the name of the individual in your lab that your authorize to download the data from the kista and into your lab storage.

External party

  • Downloader name: This is the name of the individual that is authorized to do the technical transfer from your external kista to the external party (downloader).

  • Downloader email: This is organizational email that we use to communicate with the downloader. List their organizational email as we use this for part of the identification process. We use this to communicate configuration information, and we expect the public key to be sent from this address.

  • Downloader IP: This is the IP address for the external machine that will connect to the external kista. We use this for access whitelisting.

  • Coordinator: This is the name of the individual from the external party that will coordinate the transfer if this differ from the individual doing the technical upload (uploader). We use this for communication of issues related to data, agreements etc.

  • Institution: This is the institution of the external party that is responsible for the transfer.

  • Country: This is the country where the uploader institution is located.

Kista configuration

  • Data size: This is the size in gigabytes of the storage area in the external kistas.

  • Data sensitivity: Specify if the data in the transfer includes indirect or direct identifiable information. Indirect identifiable information is typical for research data where names, addresses, unique identification numbers (fødselsnummer) are substituted with project specific individual identifiers (løpenummer). Direct identifiable information is information such as names, unique ids etc. that may directly identify the research participant. We ask this since export of direct identifiable information may require special security controls.

  • Kista duration: Specify the number of days that the kista will be online. External kistas are independent for limited duration. Contact us for other transfer alternatives if you need permanent or long-term transfer services.

Data space leader

  • Place/date: State the place where your lab leader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

  • Data space leader: This is the field for the signature of your data space leader or data space compliance officer.

*Downloader (external party)

  • Place/date: State the place where your downloader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

  • Uploader: This is the field for the signature of your external downloader. For compliance purposes, we need the downloader to accept our use policy of the service before we grant access into our systems.

# Network opening order

HUNT Cloud Network Opening Order (opens new window) (PDF)

Your data space leader can request external network openings through our network opening order. We use this to document outbound traffic from your lab. Afterwards, send us filled network opening order in Service Desk

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Network Opening Order" version 1.9.

  • Data space name: This is the name of the data space where your lab is attached. You may find the name by asking your data space coordinators.

  • Data space leader: This is the name of the individual that is the contracting party of your data space order with HUNT Cloud.

  • Lab name: This is the name of the lab where you want the opening to be implemented. You may identify the name in your shell login:

Welcome to `LAB NAME`.

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leave and report the incident to cloud.support+hunt-cloud-contact-form@hunt.ntnu.no.

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  • Lab leader: This is the name of the individual that is the contracting party of your lab agreement with HUNT Cloud, typically your principal investigator or center leader.

  • Organization: This is the external institution outside your lab that your will transfer data to and from. We use this information to sanity check your network address.

  • Country: This is the country where the external machine reside. We use this information for reporting to your data controller.

  • Network: This is the public IP address for the remote machine in a IPv4 (opens new window)-format which is defined as four set of numbers separated by dots. Contact your remote party for this information. If the machine is located outside NTNU, the network address can not start with 10., 192. or 172. since these are internal addresses that are unreachable outside your institution.

  • Port number: This is the network port (opens new window) that needs to be opened for communication to occur. The port number is specific for the protocol of the transfer. For example, port 22 is commonly used for regular SSH-transfers. Contact your remote party for this information.

  • Duration: Specify the date of the expected termination date of the opening. Alternatively, state Permanent if you want the network opening to exist for the lifetime of your lab.

  • Purpose: This is the general purpose for the transfer that we report to data controllers. For example, raw data transfer, result transfers, software transfers, etc.

  • Personal data: State YES if you expect the transfer to include personal data as defined by GDPR in Article 4 (1) (opens new window), and state NO if you don't. We recommend that you encrypt personal data during transfers.

  • Place/date: State the place where your lab leader signed the order and the date when the order was signed.

  • Data space leader: This is the field for the signature of your data space leader or your data space compliance officer.

# Lab transfer order

HUNT Cloud Lab Transfer Order (opens new window) (pdf)

Two data space leaders can agree to transfer the administrative responsibility for a lab between their data spaces. We use the lab transfer order that is co-signed by the two data space leaders and the involved lab leader do document such requests and to specify the date for the transfer or responsibilities.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Lab Transfer Order" version 1.1.


  • Name. This is the short name for the lab that is to be transfered.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the lab leader.

Current Data space

  • Name. This is the short name for the data space where the lab is current located.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the data space leader.

Destination Data space

  • Name. This is the short name for the data space where the lab is are to be transferred (destination).
  • Leader. This is the full name of the data space leader.

Invoice profile

This field specify the invoice preferences that comes into effect when the lab is confirmed transferred.

  • *SAME: This the default. The Lab will be invoiced under its current invoice profile (no change).
  • NEW: This specify that the Lab will be invoiced under a NEW invoice profile after the transfer is completed. NOTE. You will need to attach a new invoice profile to the Transfer order to activate this option.
  • MOVE: This specify that the Lab will be moved under an Invoice profile that already exists under the destination Data space. This requires that you specify the Invoice profile ID in the field above. You can find the ID on your invoices or in your Data space reports. Contact us if you need help with the identification.

# Lab deletion order

HUNT Cloud Lab Deletion Order (opens new window) (pdf)

Your data space leader can request irrevocable destruction (deletion) of labs under their data space. We use the deletion order that is co-signed by the data space leader and lab leader do document such requests.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Lab Deletion Order" version 1.4.

Data space

  • Name. This is the short name for the data space where the lab is attached.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the data space leader.


  • Name. This is the short name for the lab that is authorized for deletion.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the lab leader.

# Data deletion order

HUNT Cloud Data Deletion Order (opens new window) (pdf)

Data space leaders can request deletion of individual storage volumes and data files in labs under their data space. We use the data deletion order that is co-signed by the data space leader and lab leader do document such requests.

Clarification of the form fields

The following form fields are included in the "HUNT Cloud Data Deletion Order" version 1.5.

Data space

  • Name. This is the short name for the data space where the lab is attached.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the data space leader.


  • Name. This is the short name for the lab that is authorized for deletion.
  • Leader. This is the full name of the lab leader.

Data to be deleted

  • Specify the machine name where the folders and/or volumes are located, for example demolab-home.
  • Specify the absolute paths to data folders and/or data volumes that your request for deletion, for example /mnt/<foldername>/.

Confirmation of deletion by HUNT Cloud

Leave these fields blank. We will return the order with signatures when the data is deleted.

# Organizational agreement order

HUNT Cloud Organizational agreement Order (opens new window) (pdf)

Last Updated: 3/5/2025